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Project Management Service

An integral part of Casa Deco’s belief is to give the customers the best possible experience. To do so, we manage all the steps of production, from sourcing to delivery. We leave no stones unturned to make sure you get the best service that you deserve!
Casa Deco believes in zero restrictions when it comes to setting the specifications of any of the elements. The only restriction that comes is the area of your room. Each of the specifications we recommend are done after a thorough inspection of the room’s size and layout. Thus, each of the furniture and lighting options we manufacture will complement your room perfectly.
Casa Deco manufactures all of its products and items in its very own local facilities. It allows us to make timely deliveries, while also ensuring world-class quality at a significantly lower price.

Project Estimate

Having a proper idea about finances is crucial in any case and we’re here to help! Once done with the evaluation, we’ll give you a detailed estimation of the finances and a proper timeline of the project to help you get a clean idea!


Planning is half the work, and we believe in perfection! Once planning is done, we put in all our effort to make it a reality!

Planning & Co-ordination

With our team of experts, we can bring any space to its full potential. Schedule a consultation if you're unsure what to do with yours. We’ll make a detailed plan to give you an idea!

Technical Specification

When it comes to projects, there’s a lot more than meets the eye. Thus, our technical team oversees and informs you about any technical specification you might need in this case!

Material & Equipment Selection

What sort of wood do you need? What’s the best fabric for your project? We source and select the best possible materials for your project!

Dismantling and Disposal

Whether you're remodeling your home or office, our Dismantling and Disposal Service provides a seamless solution to help you achieve your goals. This service is designed to provide a hassle-free and efficient solution for interior renovation or demolition projects. Our team of experts will handle all aspects of the dismantling process, including the safe removal of items, transportation, and proper disposal in accordance with local regulations.

Site Supervision

We don’t leave any site unnoticed. You’ll constantly have our experts at your venue to make sure you have a smooth experience!

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